About Us

Matt and Alison met at USC Film School (now called the 'School of Cinematic Arts'. Fancy). They had similar friends circa Junior Year but didn't know each other very well until Matt moved into Alison's apartment (where she lived with two other boys) in their Senior Year. Alison lived in the closet in Matt's room. And I still hold that he didn't speak more than two words together for the first six months.
Here's Matt's take:
There are certain things that, by the laws of nature, do not mix. Oil and water. Cats and dogs. Cheese and Chinese food. Orange juice and toothpaste. Electrons and positrons. Alison and Matt. If you were to tell anyone who knew the two of us before 2003 that we would one day be married, they would probably punch you in the face, then run away, fearful that such a thing might one day come to pass. How could a talkative, opinionated, sociable, messy, well-read, intellectual, Catholic-raised, Pepsi-drinking, classicist humanoid girl and a quiet, easy-going, shy, obsessive-compulsive, illiterate, lowbrow, Protestant-raised, Coke-drinking, Classic-Rock-loving, break-dancing robot man-child even be attracted to each other, let alone form a bond of the type and strength that would result in marriage? We didn't, don't, and may never know. Was it money? Definitely not. Love? Maybe. But movies helped.
Whatever the cause, it happened. And somehow, Matt, Alison, and the rest of the universe survived this bizarre fusion reaction. Over the years, we have even found ourselves becoming increasingly similar, to the point that we may actually now share more similarities than differences. Pespi, Coke, whatever – we don’t even really drink soda anymore. We are two healthy-eating, media-watching, often-reading, California-hippy-becoming, peas in a pod. The successful blog Stuff White People Like often describes us with scary accuracy.
So, we’ve decided to make it official. The aforementioned pod will be sealed on September 9. The unknown future rolls toward us. We invite you to face it, for the first time, with a sense of hope. Because if the two of us can learn to love, maybe you can, too.
Blog Entries:
Chocolate Snobs